September 27th – 28th 2023 – Inter Island Environment Meeting
The Inter-Island Environment Meeting (IIEM) is an annual gathering for environmental experts in the channel region and Crown Dependencies. Now in their 24th Year, the meetings are an opportunity to present regional updates, and highlight opportunities for cross-regional engagement for research and conservation in both terrestrial and marine environments.
Last year the event was hosted by La Société Sercquaise and included representatives from Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight and France. A huge variety of presentations were given, including progress on classifying and monitoring for invasive and non-native species (INNS), Balearic shearwater monitoring, habitat classification schemes, marine spatial planning and eelgrass projects across the islands.
Cross channel programmes were also presented including updates on the Channel Island Records Centre plan, and a cross-channel scheme known as Fish Intel, which Jersey plays a major role in overseeing. Société Guernesiaise members Laura Harrison (Guernsey Bat Group/ Pollinator Project), George McLellan (Sea Search/ States of Guernsey) and Nicky Harris (DolFin Project) were able to attend the full meeting, with huge thanks going to the Island of Sark, La Société Sercquaise and in particular Sue Daly, for organising such a fantastic event.
Links for the talks are available through La Société Sercquaise website –
This years IIEM is planned for September and will be hosted by Jersey, with provisional plans for the 2025 meeting to be hosted in the Isle of Man.
Nicky Harris – DolFin Project Leader