We are offering guided walks on Jethou on the mornings of Saturday 25th May and Saturday 1st June 2024.
Each trip will last two hours and forty minutes in total, consisting of two hours on Jethou plus travel time of 20 minutes each way.
Each walk will have two guides from different Société Sections and the group must stay together; you are not permitted to wander separately from the group.
Kindly note the following:
· The route follows a part coastal and part woodland path with a section of steep steps without a handrail
· The terrain can be demanding and requires agility and sure footedness
· The walk must be completed in the time allocated (2 hours) due to the scheduled boat times
· Stout walking shoes/boots are required
· Bring water, sun cream and any other refreshments and medication you might need
· The only visitors’ toilet is near the jetty, there are no facilities on the route
· The trip is not suitable for children
· There are no first aid facilities on the island but your guides will carry a small first aid kit for minor injuries.
Please consider the above as a minimum when deciding if this trip is suitable for you.
The cost is £35 plus a booking fee per person with a maximum of 10 people per group plus two guides. Booking through Eventbrite.
Saturday 25th May 2024
Depart Guernsey 9.00am for Ornithology
Depart Guernsey 9.45am for General Natural History
Depart Guernsey 10.30am for Botany
Saturday 1st June 2024
Depart Guernsey 10.00am for Ornithology
Depart Guernsey 10.45am for Archaeology
Depart Guernsey 11.30am for Entomology
Please click on this link to book for Saturday 25th May https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/jethou-trip-one-tickets-881235508127?aff=oddtdtcreator
Please click on this link to book for Saturday 1st June https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/societe-members-jethou-trip-two-tickets-881239810997?aff=oddtdtcreator
Please note for insurance reasons the trip is for Members only. New Members are welcome to join at www.societe.org.gg before booking a ticket.
The boat will depart from the inter-island quay – where the Herm and Sark boats leave from. Your guides will meet you near the top of the ramp – kindly arrive 15 minutes before departure time.